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    Chen Yuanhua, born in 1952, Yilong County, Sichuan Province, China Artists association. Graduated from the China Central Academy of Fine Arts, under the tutelage of Feng FASI, Professor Dai Ze, Jin Shangyi. The current president of the China Xu Beihong academy, national artist, special allowance (enjoy Bureau). Served as executive vice president and secretary general, China Artists Association, director of research center of Sichuan creation international art Xu Beihong. Invited in Singapore, the United States, Germany, Belgium, Italy, the United Kingdom and other countries and regions held exhibitions, by the audience, some of the works by some The National Gallery and international friends collection. Was invited to the Great Hall of the people and the central state organs and other ministries important hall drawing large works hanging and collection. Representative works: "Lijiang painting" cloud "has been in a canoe" (Beijing people's great hall Collection), "paradise" (Beijing oil painting collection "waterfall, the Great Hall of the people)", "sunshine after the rain", "water plateau girl", "mountain", "spring to Grassland" etc..


油画:<<金沙江>>100×80 2015年
油画:<<静潭>>100×80 2016年
油画:<<草原姑娘>>160×220 1998年
油画:<<岷江>>180×160 1996年
国画:<<山水>>140×180 2006年
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    主辦單位:中國徐悲鴻畫院 郵箱:qwa988@126.com  

   國际域名:www.xu-beihong.com www.yishu98.com 
